I tried going to bed at a decent time last night, round 1:30, and out of the blue all of my thoughts that I normally have when I go to sleep hit in full swing last night. Mostly about the rapture. You want to know what happened? I woke up like I was in a nightmare. My heart was racing. I couldn't catch my breath for a few seconds and my vision felt strange. It was a very confusing and scary moment.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to going home, being reunited with God. However, there are some things here on Earth I truly do want to experience first. Things that aren't necessarily sins, but things that I'm pretty sure we won't get to experience in Heaven. I want to be a husband and a father someday. I have my doubts as to saying that when I go home that won't happen. I'm pretty sure sex isn't allowed in Heaven, even if it's in holy matrimony. I want to continue honing my skill and gift with hip hop. I have doubts that there will be synths and bangin bass in heaven as well.
For who I am and how I think, I'm going to just go a head and say that I'm an "Out The Box" Christian. I still love everyone who is in the box thinking (and lets be honest, there are LOTS of people who think in the box), but the way I've been seeing things and how my minds been working for me to simply say "God is good, He's coming back soon, solely say that I am unworthy of His love, and be His slave" isn't exactly my idea of what a Christian should look like. My thoughts go deeper than that. I may be unworthy of God's love, but if what I read in the Bible (John 3:16) is true, saying that Jesus was sent to atone for our sins as a perfect man, a perfect man who is God in the flesh, who died and rose again, I'm pretty sure somewhere along the line God may have had the thought of "Maybe if my children truly love me, then they may be worthy of my love." Or something like that. I get tired of people saying that in order to know God you have to do such and such. Though some of it is true, thats not all of it. Yes pray to Christ, but you don't have to do it by kneeling with your hands folded and your head bowed (though it's a great sign of respect), you can be where you are and talk to him like you would a friend or family member. You can even just think. He knows your thoughts anyways.
Going back to the topic of this blog, I know there are people who may read this and try to justify why I'm going through this right now. They may say that it's just a season. They may say that my way of thinking is causing me to go through this. They might say that I'm crazy. They might try to explain that Satan is deceiving me. The list goes on. If any of those are true and I'm not paying attention than I pray that God shows me that and I may be humble to receive it. But I really don't think thats it at all. I have a really good feeling that this is a time God is building me up. A time where my faith will be tested (not mega life or death hardcore testing, but a test) and where my future will really start to shape.
My prayer that I leave you with today is that not everyone is made to think "In the Box." God gave us our own minds. He gave us free will. I'm not saying have faith and do whatever in the world you want to do. No not at all, but if your a Christian going through some of these same feelings, pray for someone to be brought into your life that will help you. Be creative with the gifts God has given you. Be the original masterpiece God created you to be. Thats what I'm trying to do. Thats what my first album will be all about. If you're not a Christian, hey thats totally fine. You know just as well as I do the struggles of this world. I'm not here to convert you to Christ. Thats not my job. I could be a plant seeder or a waterier. My prayer is that if you are curious to know who this Jesus Christ that I speak of is that you will keep an open mind and open heart to the people you encounter who claim to be His. I understand why a lot of people don't want to be Christians. I'm not ashamed to call on Jesus name (Romans 1:16) but I am ashamed at some of the ways His name has been used. But thats for a different blog post. For now I just pray peace and blessings upon those who read this. That someone has gained something positive from this and that you be a blessing, wither you know it or not.
If you want to get a hold of me you can reach me at
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Richie.Buzz
Twitter: twitter.com/richie116
Email: gmail.com/richieycr
Till next time.
Peace and blessings
Richie Tha Rapper.