Saturday, March 12, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

Take the red pill or the blue one. One will have one effect, the other something different. Which one will you choose? Better yet, which one should you choose? You don't know what the effect will be, even though you were just told. Your lacking faith, but you stop and think. Your told that if you take the red one you will see reality. You take the blue one, you go right back to the way things were, but know that it's all false. You pause and decide. In your head you take the pill that will give you reality. You're not quite sure why, but you do. You take the red pill and everything changes...

That was what happened to the main character Neo in the movie "The Matrix." Although are lives today are not quite the same as the story of that movie, the concept of decisions is the same and remains.

Lets go all the way back to the first decision made by man. In the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve both made the decision to eat the fruit from the tree that God had told them not to eat from. God had his reasons for having Adam & Eve make the decision that they did. God knew what He was doing and to this day He still knows what He's doing. Lets think hypothetically for a moment. Everyone loves "What if" questions. What if Adam and Eve didn't eat the fruit? What if they had not sinned? What would have happened? Better question. What if Lucifer and other fallen angels didn't rebel against God? Can you think of a logical answer to any of these? Maybe. Maybe not. I might be able to, but not right on the spot.

God by far has the best critical thinking skills ever. He was able to create decisions, yet at the same time He had everything planned out. When it comes to Lucifer and the other fallen angels, I'm sure God gave Lucifer the decision to turn away from his pride or to pursue it, but God knew what he was going to do, and that means a decision was made. Now why God chose Lucifer and the other angels to rebel is beyond me, and quite frankly I don't really think I want to know.

Now lets go back to Adam and Eve. Now what if they didn't sin? Like ever. Everything would be perfect. There would have been no need for clothes, different personality's, war, different racial and ethnic backgrounds, ghettos, deaths, lust, gambling, money, so on and so forth. Most importantly there wouldn't have been a need for Jesus Christ. Everyone would have been hunky dory and the world would never change.

So why is all of this important? It's important because decisions are vital to everything. Even though they sometimes seem insignificant. Small example, deciding what your going to eat for lunch today might dictate how hungry you will be for dinner, and if your going to be going out for dinner you might not want to order a lot, because you might not finish it all. That would be a waste of the product and your money. And not to sound cheezy, but seriously, there really are people who don't have either food or money.

It's little decisions like that that can go even littler that can make huge impacts on your everyday life. I started reading "Don't Waste Your Life" by John Piper tonight and he talks a little bit about decision making. He says in his first chapter that he wanted to make the choice of going into the medical field, but after having mono and listening to a campus minister he decides to go into seminary. After asking his wife first of course.

I haven't gotten very far in that book (Just started chapter 2 to be honest) but from what I've heard, that first chapter is a nice taste of what is to come in this book. I suggest that you go read it. You can view it online at

So basic summary of todays blog is that God has given you the power to make decisions, even though he totally knows what will happen to you in your life. For musicians, I'm saying this today because I have gone through many decision making moments when it comes to my music. I still am making many decisions as we speak. So, I tell you that when your faced with a decision involving your music. Remember what your choices are and ask the Lord for clarity on which decision is the best one. He will show you. I know I'm still in the process of making several choices, and am still asking for clarity. Have faith and have your heart in the right place. God will show you what to decide.

Till next post
Grace & Blessings


Friday, March 11, 2011

Stop And Think

Ok so I goofed up pretty bad this morning. I was having a conversation with a dear friend of mine on Facebook and I said some stuff that I probably shouldn't have said. At all.

I thought I was going to be smart and try to say some stuff that I've been learning from mentors of mine, however it backfired on me. My friend and I were talking about the Japan earthquake and the end of the world. I went off about how thoughts like that are dictating us and some other stupid stuff.

God proved a point to me tonight. And I fear it may have cost me respect from my friend. Which would really suck, but it would be deserved. God proved to me that I truly need to stop and think about what I say before I say (or in this case, type) it. I have a trending topic on Twitter that I say a lot. #FoolsShameTheWise. I always think of myself as a fool, but tonight I learned what a fool really is. Sadly I learned this in less than 20 minutes.

I have a lot to learn and I had to be reminded that I'm human and prone to make mistakes. I still know that God loves me and I know that He will bring me out of this smarter and stronger. Right now though, I just have a strong feeling of guilt and stupidity. I think my heart was in the right place, but I know now that I'm not the best with words. I guess I'm kinda like Moses. All through Exodus he tells God that he has a speech problem. I know I do. I can speak, but it's very difficult. God still uses Moses and his brother Aaron to demand the Pharaoh to release the Israelites.

The reason I'm posting this blog so early after this event is because this happens to much to people. They think they know what they are talking about and then they quickly realize they might not know as much as they thought. But sometimes getting a little bit of harsh reality can be good. For me, I learned real fast to be slow to speak, think though what I want to say, and be quick to listen.

I think with that I'm going to stop talking for a little while so I can work on thinking before speaking.

Grace and Blessings


PS I do pray for everyone that will be affected by the tsunami. I pray God will be with them. He will provide. Let his glory be shown.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dream Big. Think Smart

Almost everyone gets told growing up. "Dream big" and you should. Always have a dream of something you want to do or be. It's never wrong to have those kinda dreams. However when you act on those dreams, you shouldn't just assume that it'll come true over night. You have to think smart about how to make those dreams come true. You gotta find people and places to help those dreams come true. This is true for all dreams, not just music. However, that's what I'm going to emphasize.

If you had asked me when I was 10 what I wanted to do or what I wanted to be, I wouldn't have said a word. If you had asked me what I wanted to be when I was 15 what I wanted to be I would have made a simple answer of a high school grad. If you ask me now at the age of 18 of what I want to be or do, I'd tell you that I want to be a servant of Christ. First off and foremost. Now with that I know I have quite a bit of growing to do to that. I know I'm going to make mistakes. I can't be perfect. Sin will keep hitting me till the day Christ come back or calls me home. Once I have understood and accepted that fact, Christ can start working more and more in me.

With that, I have several things that I want to do. I have mentioned them before and I'll mention them again. Christ has placed me in the world of music as well as with working to better the system of foster care. Those are just two things that I've realized that I want to do and what Christ has been blessing me with.

I'll be the first to admit I've had some weird abstract dreams of where my life is going to go. Me being the nerd and geek that I am, I dreamed I was going to be the first person on earth with a real lightsaber. Yea...ABSTRACT! Lol. But realistically I knew that wasn't going to be possible. For some reason I highly doubt God would let those actually exist. But if He wants them to well someday He'll show us.

All humor aside, the point is that that dream is a really BIG dream, yet it's very unrealistic. I can't see how God would use me with a lightsaber. Music and foster care is more realistic and quite achievable. For music, I have the tools available, but it's finding the people to help me fully utilize these tools. And I know God still has people to show me to continue building the path for me to get out there and be on those stages performing and sharing my gifts with people.

I was having a conversation with Michelle Bonilla last week and she was telling me that it took her a long time of hard work and dedication to get where she's at today. Which was about 10-11 years from what I remember.

I've had this dream for about 7 years now and I'm just now at a point where I can make a small breakthrough.

The main point for this one is: Dare to dream and fight with smarts to make it happen. I don't have any scripture off hand to go with this, but if you look at ordinary people who have struggled to get where they are at and what the outcome of that hard work and dedication got them. Best believe it can happen to you. You just have to be willing to put in as much if not more work and dedication.

So when you see yourself in the mirror and see the Lion in the reflection, know that that is what is inside of you. You just have to fight to let it out. It'll come.

Grace & Blessings


Parent Me

Some of you may have heard or seen the music video to the song "Parent Me" by J Son featuring J.R. If you haven't give it a listen to on youtube or Rapzilla. It's a great song that speaks on muliple levels. He speaks from a youth's perspectives towards their parent(s). He raps about the youth from an "I" perspective. He discusses the pain and losses of what it's like not having parents or parental figures in their lives. His lyrics go hard and is very "In-Your-Face." That's why I love his music.

When I first heard that song I cried. I felt it hit me on a personal level and a much more broader scale. It hit me because I didn't really know my parents and there was pain in me that was brought out. I haven't told my parents this, but I probably will at some point. Right now though I have been dealing with a lot more things. Don't get me wrong though. I will always have that hole in my heart. Thats why I've done as best as I can to look for those older figures in my life to be a parent figure. Yep even as an adult I look for them. I've been thinking bout it and my friend Matt Mic could be considered a fatherish figure. Well more or less anyways. He has given me advice over the last year or so. Some that I wish I had known years ago.

My great grandma was my mother figure growing up. She was who I had. She was who I listened to. I don't know if my mom and dad will read this or not, but to be honest I'm sort of glad I was raised by her. Not intending on being rude. Not at all. But the way I see it if I hadn't grown up the way I did, I wouldn't be doing all that I am. For all I know, I may have grown up polar opposite of the type of person that I am today.

So what does this have to do with musicians? Well music is life to a majority of us. And we need people who have been doing it who are older than us that we can go to for advice, mentoring, and growth. So look for that mentor to be a parental figure for you. With not just music, but with life in general. I know some of you may still have your parents, but they may not be able to answer all of your questions. But what they do tell you take it and be appreciative. If your parents ask you to do something, do it. Colossians 3:20 says "Children must always obey their parents. This pleases the Lord." (CEV). Some of your parents might say they don't want you to do music. Listen to what they say, but always keep the Lord's will in your heart.

For parents the very next verse in Colossians applies to you. "Parents, don't be hard on your children. If you are, they might give up." Oh how many times when I was in foster care did I just want to say this verse to some of my foster parents. I've had so many encounters where foster parents were hard on me. It's very stressful. It's very discouraging as well. There were a few times throughout my teenage years where I just wanted to give up with everything. There's a difference between being fair and being hard. Discipline definitely, but do it in a way that would be pleasing to Christ. If you look well enough you'll see it in your child.

Talk to your kids. Ask them how they are. Don't make it a simple conversation though! Pursue your kids to talk. Be open with them. I know so many kids who refuse to talk. And I see that they are hurting. Some of it is genetic, but not all of it. If you engage with your kids, and have a lot of patience, you will see positive results. Be strong and ready to handle kids' rebelliousness. You were in their shoes once. It may have been a different time for you, but universally it was the same.

Be a Family! Our society today is so broken that we forget what our country really is suppose to be about. If you are a single parent, I understand that it's hard to make time for your kids. But go to the Lord for guidance. If you can't find time for them, well simply put, MAKE TIME.

We live in a time when a child needs their parents more than ever before. Even secular artist have said the same thing. Ludachris for example posted some tweets in the last few weeks sayin the same thing. And its true. Children really do. Even teenagers and young adults. We need someone to help us when we fall, be there for the questions that can't really be asked to anyone else.

"You say you care for me, you don't get it apparently. I'm young and just a child I need my parent to parent me!"-Json.

Till my next post
God Bless

Stay on ya grind!

I have a saying.

"Stay on ya grind, even if ya off your rhyme."

What does that mean? It means that continue to work and press hard for the Lord. Even if you have to let go of the pen and paper to do it. There are many ways to serve the Lord and for us musicians it doesn't always have to be in 3 verses.

Look at some of the most popular Christian Hip Hop artists like Lecrae for example. He went out and did a mission trip to Sudan last year and Hatti. Did he do shows out there? More likely than He went and did hard labor and helped the people of those countries.

Now I'm not sayin you have to go out to a 3rd world country for service. Not everyone's meant for that, but you can do service even in your own neighborhood without having to spit a flow.
You can volunteer at a Boys and Girls Club, be a mentor, clean up the streets here and there. The list goes on and on.

Lord knows that I need to be more truer to what I'm saying here, but I do try. Not as much as I'd like but I do. I as a musician get so wrapped up in what I want to accomplish with my music that I sometimes don't see that God has things He wants me to do that have nothing to do with music. I know one thing that I'm doing a lot of right now has absolutely nothing to do with music. I'm the president of a foster youth council in Kansas called the Kansas Youth Advisory Council. I use to be a foster youth and I see that the system needs changed and I want to help future youth who will have to go into the system have an easier time through it than I and countless others have. To me this is service, even though I don't use an "agenda" with it. It's not fully faith based and by no means should it be. However, I want to show Christ's love to youth who are going through a hard time right now. I was once in their shoes, and to some extent, still am. And I don't have to bring in the topic of Christ or God to show His love. That's why I do it.

When I think about service I think of the movie "Flywheel." The movie is about a man who owns a small used car business and he goes through a time of lying and bad ethnics but with God's intervention through the use of his clients, wife, son, and father he becomes a better service man and becomes one of the most trusted buisnessmen in his town.

I have a good friend in Kansas City who works at his father's car dealership (and no he's not like the character in Flywheel) and he has been becoming better with his social skills. I feel awkward saying this because he's a great mentor of mine, but eh if he has a problem with it he'll tell me later. His name is Matt Crawford, or Matt Mic. Yep he's a rapper as well. Pretty good one to. He's on blogspot as well. Here's his link: Give his posts a read. Tell him I sent you.

But the point I'm making with this example is that Matt is a rapper yet he works in a car dealership. Which, really, isn't totally related to music. That's what we as musicians need to do. Not neccisarilly find a "back-up plan" (although it doesn't hurt) but out reach and look at were the Lord would want you to do work.

I don't really have a bible verse for this one right now, but I'm pretty sure there are a few examples of this throughout. But I wanted to get that advice out there.

So I'm off to bed now

For tonight, God Bless, Grace, and Peace.

Monday, March 7, 2011

The First Time I Picked Up The Mic

Growing up I use to listen to nothing but country. That was it. I grew up with my great grandma and thats all she really listens to.

Come 2004 I watched "8 Mile" and fell in love with Hip Hop and decided that I was goin to try freestylin in my mirror. I did ok but I didn't really know what I was doin.

I first started writing rhymes and, more or less, poems as a form of escape. Escape from everything. It was what I was comfortable doing. I hadn't ever picked up a mic and performed for others. I just wasn't comfortable with it.

My biggest turn to date when it came to writing raps was back in 2006. That's when I came to Christ. After a while, while I was building my new relationship with the Lord, my rhymes started going from escape to therapeutic. I went from writing rhymes about sulking to more thought out rhymes. Don't get me wrong though. I knew that I still had a long way to go before I was going to be able to do anything like I'm doing today (which isn't a whole bunch, but it's more than I was doing).

Even while I was doing rhymes I still hadn't picked up a mic yet. I have done a track before though through Safe Haven Records out of Rose Hill, Kansas. (Huge S/O to them. Ain't talked to anyone out there since 06.) but even still it wasn't a huge deal. I didn't get a copy of the track and I didn't do a great job on it either. The song was called "Just As I Am" which was the theme for a church retreat that I was in while in Wichita. I did the song with a couple of people. Can't remember who all I did it with now, but it was pretty legit. If I can ever get a hold of just the track I'll find a way to post it up. It was dope.

But after that it was all still just writing lyrics. It wasn't until I got here to Manhattan, Kansas that I first picked up a mic.

I did my own version to "Put On" by Young Jezzy and Kanye called "Put On for My Christ." It wasn't all that dope (I had to read my lyrics off the paper) but it got the crowd's attention. I did it for my church for a dinner and a show. I had a lot of fun with it to.

That was the last time that I've picked up a mic to perform in front of people. But it won't be the last, Lord willing.

The point is that you can do something like this and still have to wait quite some time before you get any kind of break through. Although mine was small it gave me a taste of what the bigger platform will be like. It taught me what stage performance will be like. At the time, I wasn't as ready and confident as I wanted to be. Even now I still could use some work. But I know now what to expect from the general populas later on.

My lesson today comes from Romans 12: 11
"Never give up. Eagerly follow the Holy Spirit and serve the Lord." CEV

That's a lesson that I have been learning for quite sometime. Last night I had this sudden feeling to do just the opposite. I wanted to quit. I felt like I was never going to be able to get anything done with my music or just plain service to the Lord. But today a dear friend of mine (who admittingly I met for the first time last week via video chat with West Coast Fiya) gave me some advice today on twitter. She told me not to give up. To have hope. To keep working hard and staying in the Word and my faith in the Lord. She was completely right. This verse tells that in the most simplist way possible. The nutshell version. That's my renewed goal. I want to continue pursuing music. Weither that be through me being a producer or a rapper will be God's will. But I will follow it. My prayer is that if you in a similar boat do just what the verse says. Do NOT give up. Listen to the Lord. Read in His Word. He will be there for you. He will never let you down. He will never abandon you. Even if the world feels like it's coming down on top of you, He will be there to provide.

So I hope you've found this to be an interesting read, I'll try to have something posted tomorrow. Maybe tonight if I think of anything.

Grace and Blessings,


Whats up all. My name is Richard Bazurto. Almost everyone calls me Richie (some call me Richie Buzz). A little bit about me is that I'm an aspiring Christian Rapper. Some of you guys may have heard me rap before, some of you maybe not as much or at all. Don't worry. I'm sure I'll post some freestyles at some point throughout my blog.

So let me give a little bit of an introduction as to why I'm doing this blog. As a musician I'm learning that success doesn't come overnight. People like Justin Beiber and Miley Cyrus may be exceptions but lets be honest. They won't grow up and be happy if they keep going the way they are.

I have been working on an album. I'm a beginner producer and trust me my music isn't anything like most music you hear on the radio or underground. My beats aren't what's tight or whats poppin' but I've put my heart into them so I'm content with them. I've been trying to get my lyrics recorded and I've been having stuff thrown at me that's tripped me up from doing so. I've been wanting to have my album done for the last year. I've had a goal of getting it done in the next week. Looks very unlikely.

With that I want to give some advice for cats who tryin to doin both sides of the spectrum. From droppin beats or bars. Some advice from someone who has been having difficulties. My goal for this blog in particular is a helpful guide for cats trying hard to get they music out and some self prep talk. So if it sounds like I'm writing in first person...well chances are I probably am, but I ain't crazy haha.

Well I'ma post something later on. Right now I'm try to figure out how I'ma get myself to go to sleep tonight.

Peace and God Bless
