That was what happened to the main character Neo in the movie "The Matrix." Although are lives today are not quite the same as the story of that movie, the concept of decisions is the same and remains.
Lets go all the way back to the first decision made by man. In the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve both made the decision to eat the fruit from the tree that God had told them not to eat from. God had his reasons for having Adam & Eve make the decision that they did. God knew what He was doing and to this day He still knows what He's doing. Lets think hypothetically for a moment. Everyone loves "What if" questions. What if Adam and Eve didn't eat the fruit? What if they had not sinned? What would have happened? Better question. What if Lucifer and other fallen angels didn't rebel against God? Can you think of a logical answer to any of these? Maybe. Maybe not. I might be able to, but not right on the spot.
God by far has the best critical thinking skills ever. He was able to create decisions, yet at the same time He had everything planned out. When it comes to Lucifer and the other fallen angels, I'm sure God gave Lucifer the decision to turn away from his pride or to pursue it, but God knew what he was going to do, and that means a decision was made. Now why God chose Lucifer and the other angels to rebel is beyond me, and quite frankly I don't really think I want to know.
Now lets go back to Adam and Eve. Now what if they didn't sin? Like ever. Everything would be perfect. There would have been no need for clothes, different personality's, war, different racial and ethnic backgrounds, ghettos, deaths, lust, gambling, money, so on and so forth. Most importantly there wouldn't have been a need for Jesus Christ. Everyone would have been hunky dory and the world would never change.
So why is all of this important? It's important because decisions are vital to everything. Even though they sometimes seem insignificant. Small example, deciding what your going to eat for lunch today might dictate how hungry you will be for dinner, and if your going to be going out for dinner you might not want to order a lot, because you might not finish it all. That would be a waste of the product and your money. And not to sound cheezy, but seriously, there really are people who don't have either food or money.
It's little decisions like that that can go even littler that can make huge impacts on your everyday life. I started reading "Don't Waste Your Life" by John Piper tonight and he talks a little bit about decision making. He says in his first chapter that he wanted to make the choice of going into the medical field, but after having mono and listening to a campus minister he decides to go into seminary. After asking his wife first of course.
I haven't gotten very far in that book (Just started chapter 2 to be honest) but from what I've heard, that first chapter is a nice taste of what is to come in this book. I suggest that you go read it. You can view it online at www.desiringgod.org.
So basic summary of todays blog is that God has given you the power to make decisions, even though he totally knows what will happen to you in your life. For musicians, I'm saying this today because I have gone through many decision making moments when it comes to my music. I still am making many decisions as we speak. So, I tell you that when your faced with a decision involving your music. Remember what your choices are and ask the Lord for clarity on which decision is the best one. He will show you. I know I'm still in the process of making several choices, and am still asking for clarity. Have faith and have your heart in the right place. God will show you what to decide.
Till next post
Grace & Blessings