Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Parent Me

Some of you may have heard or seen the music video to the song "Parent Me" by J Son featuring J.R. If you haven't give it a listen to on youtube or Rapzilla. It's a great song that speaks on muliple levels. He speaks from a youth's perspectives towards their parent(s). He raps about the youth from an "I" perspective. He discusses the pain and losses of what it's like not having parents or parental figures in their lives. His lyrics go hard and is very "In-Your-Face." That's why I love his music.

When I first heard that song I cried. I felt it hit me on a personal level and a much more broader scale. It hit me because I didn't really know my parents and there was pain in me that was brought out. I haven't told my parents this, but I probably will at some point. Right now though I have been dealing with a lot more things. Don't get me wrong though. I will always have that hole in my heart. Thats why I've done as best as I can to look for those older figures in my life to be a parent figure. Yep even as an adult I look for them. I've been thinking bout it and my friend Matt Mic could be considered a fatherish figure. Well more or less anyways. He has given me advice over the last year or so. Some that I wish I had known years ago.

My great grandma was my mother figure growing up. She was who I had. She was who I listened to. I don't know if my mom and dad will read this or not, but to be honest I'm sort of glad I was raised by her. Not intending on being rude. Not at all. But the way I see it if I hadn't grown up the way I did, I wouldn't be doing all that I am. For all I know, I may have grown up polar opposite of the type of person that I am today.

So what does this have to do with musicians? Well music is life to a majority of us. And we need people who have been doing it who are older than us that we can go to for advice, mentoring, and growth. So look for that mentor to be a parental figure for you. With not just music, but with life in general. I know some of you may still have your parents, but they may not be able to answer all of your questions. But what they do tell you take it and be appreciative. If your parents ask you to do something, do it. Colossians 3:20 says "Children must always obey their parents. This pleases the Lord." (CEV). Some of your parents might say they don't want you to do music. Listen to what they say, but always keep the Lord's will in your heart.

For parents the very next verse in Colossians applies to you. "Parents, don't be hard on your children. If you are, they might give up." Oh how many times when I was in foster care did I just want to say this verse to some of my foster parents. I've had so many encounters where foster parents were hard on me. It's very stressful. It's very discouraging as well. There were a few times throughout my teenage years where I just wanted to give up with everything. There's a difference between being fair and being hard. Discipline definitely, but do it in a way that would be pleasing to Christ. If you look well enough you'll see it in your child.

Talk to your kids. Ask them how they are. Don't make it a simple conversation though! Pursue your kids to talk. Be open with them. I know so many kids who refuse to talk. And I see that they are hurting. Some of it is genetic, but not all of it. If you engage with your kids, and have a lot of patience, you will see positive results. Be strong and ready to handle kids' rebelliousness. You were in their shoes once. It may have been a different time for you, but universally it was the same.

Be a Family! Our society today is so broken that we forget what our country really is suppose to be about. If you are a single parent, I understand that it's hard to make time for your kids. But go to the Lord for guidance. If you can't find time for them, well simply put, MAKE TIME.

We live in a time when a child needs their parents more than ever before. Even secular artist have said the same thing. Ludachris for example posted some tweets in the last few weeks sayin the same thing. And its true. Children really do. Even teenagers and young adults. We need someone to help us when we fall, be there for the questions that can't really be asked to anyone else.

"You say you care for me, you don't get it apparently. I'm young and just a child I need my parent to parent me!"-Json.

Till my next post
God Bless

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