Being bold for a minute (and a bit of a nerd) I'm going to pull out a quote from Star Wars Episode 1. The quote is from Shmi Skywalker. "Now, be brave and don't look back. Don't look back."
Something that has been on my mind and heart lately is what will happen to me after college. I feel that God's got a calling for me in a much more highly urban area than were I'm at now. I feel like there isn't going to be much for me to do in God's work if I stay here long after I get out of school. Don't get me wrong, I know there is plenty of work for me to do here now, but afterwards, I just feel like a bigger more inner city would be better for me.
I love rap, I love to rap. I love Jesus, I am learning how to love Jesus.
I focus a lot of my posts on the near future, because thats important, but in this one I think it's good for me to think into the future.
I know ultimately God will provide no matter what happens, but I as a human get naturally scared of the unknown. I get scared of the future. Yes, I am scared of death. I even sometimes think I'm scared of heaven. I know as I get older those fears will start going away, but thats just a place I'm in right now.
My love for rap is growing so much. I want to get that chance to work with other brothers and sisters on tracks, on stage, and in the streets, but I'm starting to doubt that I'll get very far here.
I don't know where God would want me to go. Maybe go back to Montgomery, Alabama. Maybe Chicago, Phoenix, Philly, LA, Miami, or Detroit. Who knows? I sure don't. God does though. So I really do need to do as one of my lines from my upcoming single "Only God" says: "I need to start looking past the now and see/where God really wants me to be."
For musicians, this applies to you in more ways then I've mentioned. So my advice is the same as the advice I'm taking right now. Stay in prayer, continue working in where you are now, and have patience. God will work wonders. I know this to be true.
Richie Tha Rapper
Ok so for clarity, when i say "near future" I mean within the next 4-7 years. When I say "future" I mean the next 10 to 20 years.