Now don't get it twisted, its not the extreme computer addiction. I battle some of those extremes, but for the most part they pretty much kicked to the curb. What I'm talking about is not even just the internet (which is a big part) but also with some games that I have on my computer, my music software, and Skype. Among many others of course. I have also figured out, through obvious observation, that this problem consist mainly during the late night hours when I should be sleeping.
So what I will be doing is determining 5 simple ways to become less addicted to my nice Lenovo computer and actually be a human and interact with others. Especially since summer is coming up really fast, this will be a really good thing to start practicing.
#1: GET OUT! I've been having a ton on my mind as of late. For who I am and being locked up in my room (and now that my roommate has left for home) by myself this equation can pretty much sum up to = not having a good outcome in the long run. I am in the process of Job searching. I am looking for a place to stay over the summer here in Manhattan. So if you readin this and lookin for the same hit me up.
#2: Read the Word! I have been lacking in getting into God's Word. I think that's been a big reason why I haven't been able to get to sleep at a decent time. I've been finding myself looking for comfort in computers. I think it's been why my mind hasn't been at ease as of late. I think the more I get into the Word the more the next 3 steps (and Step 1 to actually) will be able to take a domino effect.
#3: Fasting! Well...now that I think about this...This should probably be #1, but whatever. But yea, start a fast with technology. Maybe not necessarily with my entire computer (I do need to check emails occasionally). Start off with fasting from Facebook or something similar for a short amount of time to see how I do and go from there. Maybe fast from listening to music. Fast from using my music software (and my actually keyboard). Fast from FreeCell...Yea I play that. You get where I'm going with this.
#4: Exercise. Yea this should kinda be considered naturally. Throw how much time I spend on my computer and how much time I spend working out on a scale and guess which will tip upwards. Now that the weather is really getting nicer, working out might just be one of the best things I can do (when I'm not working after I find a job). It'll help clear my mind. Keep me focused. Etc.
and finally #5: Pray. If I get to a point where I seriously don't know what else to do but get on my computer to sit stumped for 3+ hours on what to do then I really think I just need to stop and pray. Ask for God to show me something to do. Whatever that may be.
Well I know this is kind of a short and to the point post, but seeing as it's 3 in the morning and my brain is near shut down stage for the night, I'm going to end on this note. Good luck to all the college students who will be taking finals this week. I know I got like 2 that I still need to study for a bit. So guys and gals just remember...relax. breath. If you mess up on an exam don't go into instant paranoia. Trust me on this it won't be the end of the world. If any of you who read this are college students and are about to literally flip out because of finals and want to just vent or whatever feel free to comment on this post. I'll read it and see what I can do. I know there's a lot of pressure that comes with this. Just know. It's not worth going through complete mental anguish over.
Richie Tha Rapper
I think this is an excellent list. I would reorder pray and reading the word both to number one together. ;) Thank you for sharing. Keep us updated on how this goes and let us know how we can encourage you. In Him, Lacey