I sometimes like to picture having a conversation with God as if he was Morgan Freeman (Bruce and Evan Almighty references, come on guys, don't get it twisted). Last night there was a lot of stuff on my mind. I don't remember off the top of my head every part of the conversation, but I do remember the very last part. I was talking to God about the desires of my heart. How I would like to live to see a nice age here on Earth. Do work for Him and enjoy the time that I have here. I heard Him ask me what His word has to say about that. He said I have a passage that He wanted me to read. So I randomly opened my bible. The passage wasn't were I thought it would be. I thought it was going to be something in one of Paul's 13 letters, but no. It was in Pslams.
The passage, Pslams 91: 14-16, says: "The Lord says, 'If you love me and truly know who I am, I will rescue you and keep you safe. When you are in trouble, call out to me. I will answer and be there to protect and honor you. You will live a long life and see my saving power.'"
I don't know about you, but not only was my mind blown by this passage, but I was also given rest and challenged by this. The Holy Spirit was with me last night. That much I know.
I was given rest to know that the more and more I dug in to learn more of God, the more I know that this will come to be. I was also challenged as well. To dig deeper to know who God is. To read His word, to not be lazy, I also am figuring out that I will be protected. That said I will enjoy what blessings of freedoms God grants me, but I will smart and as safe as possible about what I do. I may go to parties every now and then, but I won't drink. I'll go to get to know people. Make friends, enjoy others company, so on and so forth. I am learning to really prioritize.
I know God has a wonderful plan for me. What it is exactly, I don't know. I will take each day and blessing as they come. If a day is going to be busy, I will be thankful. If it's one of those "meh" days, I'll be thankful for that. I know I will fall from time to time, but I will call upon Christ to rescue me. I will continue to build my faith in Him even when I am lacking. I will fight against sin, but will not abandon emotion. I think it is perfectly acceptable to be angry sometimes, or sad, so long as it doesn't cause you to sin. If you're having an off day and you get frustrated, then be frustrated, but keep the Lord in mind and be slow to speak or anger. Don't let it cause you to fall. If you fall, acknowledge it, go to the Lord in prayer. He will forgive. He is slow to anger. I'm pretty sure He understands that we can't be perfect and not sin 100% of the time. As long as we go to him and talk with Him he will give us that forgiveness and peace mentioned all throughout the Old and New Testament. So, live your life, keep God in your heart, enjoy what He has given you right now, and keep talking with Him. Conversing with God can sometimes lead to your mind being blown.
Till next time
Richie Tha Rapper.
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