Monday, August 29, 2011

The 2011 MTV VMA's On Twitter

Alright, so I don't have cable where I'm at, but I got home tonight from a Life Group with Cats 4 Christ to find out that tonight was the MTV Video Music Awards. My initial thought was: "Alright cool...the VMA's. This ought to be good to see what happens." At first that was the case. Then things went from cool to downright insane, at least for my personal Twitter timeline.

Alright, couple things here to start off my reaction to tonight. First things first, I am going to forewarn you reader that anything I say in this blog could offend you. This blog is going to be written solely based off of what I had seen on my timeline. The comments I make are individual to small group aimed only. No generalizing here. K? Cool.

Ok so a vast majority of people I follow on Twitter are somehow affiliated with Christian rap, so I'm just going to get all the real deep religious talk out of the way first. Here's a little tid bit for you that you might find helpful as a future reference: Yes the Illuminati is real. No, they are not why every single artist or band becomes successful and wins awards. Anyone who says that every single band that isn't considered "Christian" who is successful gets help from the Illuminati doesn't know what they are talking about. Point blank. Some bands are really good just by themselves and know how to outreach to fans.

Also...on some real talk. It's cool to speculate, it shows that you are using the mind that God gives you...lets you wonder, but come on. I have a really huge doubt in my mind that Beyonce and Jay Z's unborn child is either a devil baby or the Anti-Christ. Come on people. There are way more people out there that do the same stuff that they do who have kids. Pretty sure their kids aren't devil babies. Be real with yourself on that one.

Another thing. Yes I know that today's popular music is not good and that it influences youth. However, doing nothing but complain about it on Twitter doesn't do a whole ton of good for those youth does it? I want to be successful just as much as the next person, and I know God wants that for me. Quick question: Why do people think that just because they believe in Christ they can't be successful in today's world?" It doesn't make sense to me. Why not? It's alright to be ambitious, so long as it's not for selfish greedy desires. It's alright to aim to be the owner of a multi-million dollar corporation. So long as that corporation isn't aimed at cheating or hurting it's customers. Anyway, back to the point. I want to be able to hone and train myself with my ambition for music. I know I can't relate to ever single situation everyone in the world is going through, but Christ has been blessing me with wisdom, little by little, to share with others. I think it's because of how my mind works that I am able to receive that wisdom. I wish to share what I have learned over the years to people, and I really would like to use music as that medium. Now is this going to happen overnight? Of course not. I have learned not have that expectation.

I like a challenge that I can stay focused on. Music provides such a thing. It's going to take me a while, but I know with practice, help, and focus I will become the best at music to wherever the Lord will have me be. And all the time I am learning I will use what I put hard work in to show God's glory. I can tell stories. That's another good medium for me. Rap for me will be a lot of story telling, but it goes so much further than that. I want to be able to connect with as many people as I can. I want to share with the youth of this world my story and show how I relate to many of the things that they go through in the world today. To give my insight. I really would suggest that if you haven't begun doing that I would start. If that means beginning to pray for God to show you how He wishes to use you, star there. If you already have an idea, pray for opportunities.

Ok, so I'm going to give my opinion on a slightly touchy subject here. I'm not going to go into a huge detail about it, but I want to bring up "The End Times" for a second. I don't doubt that Jesus could return at any moment. He can and He just might. However, I really think that a majority of Christians have something confused about this. I honestly think that people are focused so much on Christ return that they neglect the task at hand. I know I talked about this a few posts back, but I'm bringing it up again because I saw it tonight.

Look, this is a message to the Body of Christ. Stop focusing so much on Christ return. He's going to come back when He comes back. Seriously, some of the people I see talking about it get so obsessed with it I fear they may end up like Harold Camping. Sad and slightly harsh, but true. Christ talks all throughout the Gospels about servitude. To think of others before yourselves. To carry others burdens, to lift others in prayer, to give freely and willing. Not because you have to. Realistically, because of the gift of free will we can choose what we want to do with our lives. When we have given our lives to Christ, we don't become slaves to Christ. We become slaves to Righteousness. We become bondservents to Christ. To work for Him. Not to slave ourselves to Him. I've seen it and experienced it myself that if we try to hard to slave ourselves to doing God's work 100% of our time...we tire ourselves out and end up falling into sin harder than usual.

It's okay for us to be human people. Again I mention this in a previous post from earlier this month, but it really is okay to feel emotions as long as it doesn't cause you to fall into sin.

The point is that the more I keep seeing people tweeting "The end is near, accept Christ or forever perish." type tweets the more frustrated I get. And (here's where that 'you might get offended' part comes in) to be honest I really think that trying to get people to come to Christ is possibly the laziest way to go about reaching people ever. Second to just not doing anything. Scare tactics don't work in the long haul. Trying to prove a point by using examples of people like Lady Gaga or this dude named Tyler the creator (Still have no clue whatsoever as to who this dude is...don't really care honestly) that they are doomed to hell and that if you follow them you will be too. Though true, the way I've seen it said and the actions held behind it make me frown and feel very sad. You can't expect to tell someone that there is a God who loves them without showing them that love. Actions speak louder than words do...even if the words are written in text on the internet.

Final thing I want to point out that I saw because of the VMA's is brothers and sisters in Christ beefing on twitter because of stoopid stuff (yea that's how Ima spell it for all you grammar Nazi's out there, I don't care). Why are we Christians so prideful and touchy when someone tryin to call us out on something w/o listening to what they have to say and thinking about it before we instantly snap back. Then we ask em to unfollow us. Why? So we can stay in our comfort zone? I'm not going to call out anyone on this(besides...the person I'm talking about isn't even following me on twitter anyways), but seriously...this has to stop...NOW. We all talk about unity in the body, yet we simply can't let go of our pride.

I have a way of thinking where I step out and look in, sometimes I place myself as if I were an Atheist or Agnostic, or whatever to see how the Christians are doing and if they are practicing what we preach. Sad to say, but the body as a whole...we ain't. The world see's it and we act as if the world is oblivious to what we are doing. Media is the first to put us on blast whenever we do something completely stupid and use Christ's name to back it up, and I'm not going to front, I've seen and heard of some really stupid things that use Jesus' name I'm all about unity. I didn't grow up in a particular church, so I kinda just float from place to place most of the time. I didn't grow up nailed to some particular doctrine or theology. Honestly, I really think a lot of doctrines and theologies can get in the way of what Christ wants us to do with our lives. Having doctrine and theology in itself is not a bad thing, but what you do with it and how much time you spend focused on it can be a distraction. Just something to think about.

For the most part, I'm kinda sad yet glad I didn't watch the VMA's on TV tonight seeing the responses on twitter made me really get uneasy. But after I prayed, Christ gave me relief and peace. I got to give Justin Beieber some props though. Thankin Jesus on stage was gutsy. Justin if somehow you read this, be blessed broski. Not a huge fan of your music, but I give respect and credit when and where credit is due.

Well there is my reaction to what I saw based off of my twitter to the 2011 MTV VMA's. I'm out and off to bed. Be blessed

Grace & Blessings
Till next time

Richie Tha Rapper

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Open Rap Letter to Ex Times Ministry

So I was watching this video tonight called "Holy Hip Hop Exposed Pt5" on youtube. I watched the video and still as I type this, I'm getting slightly sick to my stomach. I have this conviction in my heart to just write in this blog rap lyrics to show that though the words "hip-hop" come from the world, people forget that God created the world and everything that was and is and is to come. That anything can be used for His glory if used the right way. Though I personally don't really like the term "Holy Hip Hop" myself, the fact that this ministry just writes it off as something that can not be used to bring people to the Lord is down right wrong. It did for me. So...Ex Times Ministry. I would like to share with you my personal thoughts about "Hip Hop" and why I think you have such a bias opinion on the matter.

You sayin Hip Hop can't be righteous and holy/but you don't look at supporting statistics that show His glory/I can name off 20 Christian rappers off the top of my head/who use beats and rhymes to share what Christ said/I don't know much bout your church, but if I was to meet ya doorman/I'm pretty sure I'd walk into a church of right wing Mormons/What you know bout holiness?/I don't see God's love in your words where the yoke in this?/I'm mixed predominantly white/I like to make music and rhymes are what I like to write/Yea I got earrings/gonna call me a heathen?/if I ever sag it just shows that I've been watchin what I'm eatin/and I can't afford to buy a new belt or new pair of pants/but looks liked you'd use it against me for another one of your rants/It's churches like you that we can't have unity/who are you to say what seed Christ sewed in me?/I do hip hop because I can relate/though I didn't live in the ghetto, hoods, or the streets/I know what its like to not have stability/moved from place to place without parents hope you feelin me/It takes a lot to get me angry, y'all gettin me close/before I throw up your video I had to click close/I dare you to stay a week in the hood/and preach to the people sayin hip hop no good/when all you do is say accept Christ as yo savior/or you burn in hell now say yo prayer/you don't know they struggles/how you gonna relate?/You gonna give em $2oo cuz the rent late?/help build a home/course why worth your time/by the time that its done you call the 5-0/cuz you think some dude gonna break in with a 9/to me you sound like people who give up/someone who didn't see the right path when the flame went up/hip hop is to you as gay is to WBC/and I'd be willin to bet you only doin it to get on NBC/you scared to get out with the people/and yes I'ma cut yo throat because you and bein leaders/you ain't tellin truth/yo minds are tainted/you do not fully understand Gods grace and yet/you still find a way to try and convince people that they ways are wrong/I'm slightly curious to hear a worship song/you sing/read the lyrics they in the same format as rap/but you think it's crap/because you stereotype thinkin all rappers talk about is fornication and sellin drugs..../it sound like y'all need some hugs/and if you readin this tryin to rap it in your head don't cuz you will contradict yourself/you can't bring Christian rap down you can only bring it up/becuz our actions, yes ours, because we are a body/a very infected one, but one nonetheless/all have the same head/so give us this day Father our daily bread/I'll let you finish the prayer because quite frankly, I think you need to say the prayer more than Christian rappers do/This could be like How The Grinch Stole Christmas/come say hi to a who/Who? A child of God doing his will above mine/oh you are so scared you have to borrow fair/parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme/but you won't use it for the right reason/hip hop is dyin but I like to call it a season/make or break/you gonna give or you gonna take/I pray so hard for you oh you pharisees/You care less about your neighbor than a country overseas/be slow to anger and quick to listen/Love God Love People Hate sin true Christian/this isn't worth my time/I got lives to help save/I pray that you do not take your hate/for hip hop with you all the way to the grave/cuz you'll see me someday at or past the pearly gates/and once we are robed there can no longer be hate

Grace and Blessings
Till Next Time

Richie Tha Rapper

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Be Loving....Be Real

I have been a believer in Christ for 5 years now. I've seen a lot of stuff, but here recently, I've been realizing some stuff to. I've been looking and listening to people, and I'm beginning to see something that kinda saddens me. To me it seems like a lot of Christians are becoming very self-centered, using Christ as a shield to protect them from getting called out. I hear it in music, from pastors, authors, etc., and it is boggling my mind. Now I'm no biblical scholar by any means, but I'm pretty sure that God calls for us to be humble. To serve the poor and needy. To stand up against sin, to show the world Gods true love.

I mean, lets think about this for a minute here. If we are true believers in Christ, then we know that God will have us for eternity, right? So...from what I've been seeing I have to ask: Why is everyone just worried about themselves? Now I'm not here to call any particular individuals out, but I listen to a lot of Christian rappers, and as I listen to them, I can't help but think "Are they really doing God's work?" Now I know there is probably a difference from what they talk about on tracks to what they do outside the booth and stage, but looking at lyrical content I see so much narcissism with Christian rappers today. The whole "Live with the end in mind" concept has almost become an obsession with so many. It's like everybody just wants to say "screw it, Lord take me home now please, there is no more work for me to do, I just want to be done with Earth." Seriously? Cuz if thats the case, I'm sorry, but you really have wasted your life.

Rappers, for just a minute here, please listen. I'm getting so sick and tired of artist sugarcoating what they say on a track. Seriously, it's a huge turn off for me to hear what you have to say. I'm really just taking a break from listening to a lot of CHH artist for awhile, because, as much as this hurts me to say this, CHH has basically become like mainstream Top 40. Everyone is saying the exact same thing and quite honestly, it pisses me off. I look for realness with music. Thats why I always had enjoyed listening to Eminem. Sure he isn't Christian, but at least he's real. He always has been, always will be. He doesn't talk about poppin bottles in the club, money, rides, and sex. He talks about what he has gone through. In full real detail. That's why so many think he's one of the best rappers in game, and quite frankly, I agree. Sure there are a lot of really great CHH artists, and by no means am I doggin on anyone, but all I hear anymore is the exact same thing. I don't hear real. I hear what is expected. I hear a very in the box message. I hear the fear of using the gifts that God has given them to their fullest potential. To be the upmost creative with expressing oneself.

Now, I can't say a whole ton, cuz I still myself have yet to practice all that I preach, but I promised myself and to the Lord that I will not sugarcoat what I have to say. It may not be much (come on. Lets face it, I didn't grow up in the hood or to hip hop), but it's still enough that I am fully willing to learn it and use it to glorify God.

In my heart I really feel that I still have quite a bit of time left here on Earth, and I do keep the end in mind, but I refuse to be obsessed with it. I can glorify Jesus without even having to say His name. I don't even have to say a single word. If your reading this, I want you to know that if you ever need someone to talk to or even just to listen to things that you have going on, you can reach out to me in full confidence.

I love myself, don't get me wrong, but I love myself enough to put others before myself. I love myself enough to be real with people. I love myself enough to know the difference between being a slave to God and being in a relationship with God. God doesn't want us to be His slaves. He wants us to walk with Him and Him with us, to give us experiences to grow. So don't waste your lives by just focusing strictly on God and Heaven and all of that. Be with people. It's okay to be human guys. If it wasn't then what the heck are we? Laugh, cry, sing, be silent, run, walk, rap, act, write, whatever. Keep God in your heart and your eyes focused on where you are, God will show you opportunities that you would missed if you kept your eyes focused on the sky. can't minister to a cloud, and you can't minister to yourself. Be with others, even if they don't believe. It's alright. And seriously.....Why so serious?

Till next time
Grace and Blessings

Richie Tha Rapper