I have been a believer in Christ for 5 years now. I've seen a lot of stuff, but here recently, I've been realizing some stuff to. I've been looking and listening to people, and I'm beginning to see something that kinda saddens me. To me it seems like a lot of Christians are becoming very self-centered, using Christ as a shield to protect them from getting called out. I hear it in music, from pastors, authors, etc., and it is boggling my mind. Now I'm no biblical scholar by any means, but I'm pretty sure that God calls for us to be humble. To serve the poor and needy. To stand up against sin, to show the world Gods true love.
I mean, lets think about this for a minute here. If we are true believers in Christ, then we know that God will have us for eternity, right? So...from what I've been seeing I have to ask: Why is everyone just worried about themselves? Now I'm not here to call any particular individuals out, but I listen to a lot of Christian rappers, and as I listen to them, I can't help but think "Are they really doing God's work?" Now I know there is probably a difference from what they talk about on tracks to what they do outside the booth and stage, but looking at lyrical content I see so much narcissism with Christian rappers today. The whole "Live with the end in mind" concept has almost become an obsession with so many. It's like everybody just wants to say "screw it, Lord take me home now please, there is no more work for me to do, I just want to be done with Earth." Seriously? Cuz if thats the case, I'm sorry, but you really have wasted your life.
Rappers, for just a minute here, please listen. I'm getting so sick and tired of artist sugarcoating what they say on a track. Seriously, it's a huge turn off for me to hear what you have to say. I'm really just taking a break from listening to a lot of CHH artist for awhile, because, as much as this hurts me to say this, CHH has basically become like mainstream Top 40. Everyone is saying the exact same thing and quite honestly, it pisses me off. I look for realness with music. Thats why I always had enjoyed listening to Eminem. Sure he isn't Christian, but at least he's real. He always has been, always will be. He doesn't talk about poppin bottles in the club, money, rides, and sex. He talks about what he has gone through. In full real detail. That's why so many think he's one of the best rappers in game, and quite frankly, I agree. Sure there are a lot of really great CHH artists, and by no means am I doggin on anyone, but all I hear anymore is the exact same thing. I don't hear real. I hear what is expected. I hear a very in the box message. I hear the fear of using the gifts that God has given them to their fullest potential. To be the upmost creative with expressing oneself.
Now, I can't say a whole ton, cuz I still myself have yet to practice all that I preach, but I promised myself and to the Lord that I will not sugarcoat what I have to say. It may not be much (come on. Lets face it, I didn't grow up in the hood or to hip hop), but it's still enough that I am fully willing to learn it and use it to glorify God.
In my heart I really feel that I still have quite a bit of time left here on Earth, and I do keep the end in mind, but I refuse to be obsessed with it. I can glorify Jesus without even having to say His name. I don't even have to say a single word. If your reading this, I want you to know that if you ever need someone to talk to or even just to listen to things that you have going on, you can reach out to me in full confidence.
I love myself, don't get me wrong, but I love myself enough to put others before myself. I love myself enough to be real with people. I love myself enough to know the difference between being a slave to God and being in a relationship with God. God doesn't want us to be His slaves. He wants us to walk with Him and Him with us, to give us experiences to grow. So don't waste your lives by just focusing strictly on God and Heaven and all of that. Be with people. It's okay to be human guys. If it wasn't then what the heck are we? Laugh, cry, sing, be silent, run, walk, rap, act, write, whatever. Keep God in your heart and your eyes focused on where you are, God will show you opportunities that you would missed if you kept your eyes focused on the sky. Remember...you can't minister to a cloud, and you can't minister to yourself. Be with others, even if they don't believe. It's alright. And seriously.....Why so serious?
Till next time
Grace and Blessings
Richie Tha Rapper
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