Monday, July 11, 2011

Geek? Or Nerd? Escaping Reality, Is It Ok?

Who remembers this symbol? Anybody? Anyone remember the Power Rangers? Yeah, I know I do. I've recently discovered that they all seasons up to the current season is fully available for instant watch on Netflix. Needless to say, I've been watching as much of the seasons as possible. Yet there are a few things though...I had a very casual debate with a friend of mine, yet this got me thinking: "What is the difference between a geek and a nerd?"

What would I consider myself? A geek or a nerd? And I'll be honest, for as much as I love rap & hip-hop (emphasize on the word 'love') I do love my Star Wars, CoD, Power Rangers, and meme's. So...does that make me a nerd? Or a geek? Which one would be worse to be? LOL This sounds horrible, but I am really trying to figure that out.

Joking aside though, there is one thing about my friend and I's conversation/debate that did catch my attention. We were talking about the differences between the two. She said that I was a geek for liking shows like the ones mentioned above. Here's what really caught my attention though...She said they are ways to escape your reality. So why am I bringing this up? I watched way more Power Rangers then any man my age should watch in one sitting....EVER!!! I got home from church this afternoon, ate lunch, and then just watched Power Rangers, all afternoon. I just finished my last episode for the night. I had got to thinking a few minutes ago about my post from 2 days ago. It took me a day to realize that my decision to watch that much of the show was not a good one.

Here's why I think it was a bad idea. I haven't been myself lately. My mind is always moving at 300 mph in 50 directions (yea thats possible. Don't ask me the physics behind it), and so watching a show on a constant level that is completely fantasy is not healthy for the mind. It leaves you unfocused. It has you questioning yourself. Questioning things around you. Plus, it might get you thinking you have some sort of "Power" that you really don't have. The shows are so fake, but they throw in what people like.

Another thrown in detail, is that Power Rangers was the show back in the 90's, and now that it's on Netflix, that's like taking a direct stroll right down memory lane. Not that it's a bad thing. Sometimes it's good to find something that returns you to good memories. That can be a blessing. However...the amount of time you spend at the corner of Memory Ln and Reality St can have some negative effects if spent at that intersection for a lengthy period of time. I know one show that I remember when I was young thats on Netflix that got MAJOR slept on: "BeetleBorgs." That was one of the most legit shows back in the mid 90's yet most slept on. So I took some time to go through that show and after watching it for a while, I realized that I was getting to far into the show.

So, with that said, would it be safe to say that this could be a possible idol for me? Maybe. Maybe not. However, that brings a few questions that I have for you, reader. My first question, which you don't have to answer out loud, but I do ask that you think to yourself. What do you have in your life that takes up most or all of your time? It doesn't have to be a spiritual answer, but I do want you to think about that and try to get mind organized and prioritized.

My second question, which also doesn't have to be answered out loud, but is escaping reality okay? At all? A little bit? Not at all? What do you think? I think it's ok every once and a while, as long as it's done in moderation and not doing any damage to your body. Either Physical, mental, or spiritual. Some things to me shouldn't be done to escape reality, but now isn't the time for me to say all that. I just want to leave you with the question.

Till next time.

Richie The Rapper.

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