Friday, July 22, 2011

Tough Choices

Since I've been living here in Manhattan for the last several years, I've had this thought that I was going to be staying here for quite some time. However, I have the thought that it might not be. This summer has been showing to be very boring for me. I'm not getting anything done, I hardly ever have someone who can, at any moment, want to hang out with me, and I'm feeling more isolated now then I did when I first got here. I'm not growing as much as I'd like to be socially, spiritually, or mentally. There is not a ton of opportunities for me here, for either a job or to grow with my music. Hip Hop is not a very huge deal out here. And there aren't very many artist or producers out here that I know.

The other night I was talking with a friend and sister in Christ about maybe moving down to Wichita. From what I understand there is always something going on down there and it would give me a greater chance to get known, meet new people, make great connections and friends. Plus I have family down there. Actual biological family. Now this all sounds grand and hunky dory, but there are two things that are keeping from instantly saying "Yes, I'm moving down there ASAP." 1) This has been home for me for the last 5 years. Even though I've moved around town a few times, this is still a place that's been stable, and 2) I've made so many friends here that, even though I don't hang out with them all of the time, it would be difficult for me to grow a custom to knowing that I'd be away from them. I didn't grow up having a lot of friends. So the ones that I have now are very close to heart. I know leaving here would have some form of impact on me.

So I'm going to be praying about this choice. Really, really hard. I'm going to need a ton of prayer from others as well. This may just be the biggest choice I've made in years. I know either way I'm going to have to step out on faith, I just want to make sure I don't rush anything and make a decision God didn't put on my heart.

Till next time

Richie Tha Rapper.

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