Saturday, June 11, 2011

Godz Chisel'd Masterpiece (The topics)

No pic for this one. Just wanted to talk about a few of the items that I will be rapping about in my debut album.

The entire theme and concept to this album is to take you through a story and a journey through where I've gone, what I've done, and who has been there along the way. To tell you about what God is doing through me. He is the Grand artist of my life. I am his masterpiece. Yet I still need chiseled. I still need the things that aren't of God removed. There will be many metaphors, imagery, play on words, real stories, and even 3rd and 1st person narratives. I will sound rebellious at times. But there are reasons why. Here is a list of some topics that I will be talking about:

#1) Tithing. I have been blessed by so many people, yet I have found myself not giving back as much as I should or need to. I don't have a lot, at least possession's wise, but I have time. I have knowledge and, yes, even some wisdom that I can give back. I still have to get myself figured out with finances, but once I get that (and a steady job) in order, I will be able to actually give the 10% to the church. Not because I have to, but I'm learning the more that I give, the more God will bless me. I'm going to have an entire song dedicated to this. Going to be called "10%" Keep an ear out for it!

#2) Thoughts and Emotions. Lately, I've been feeling some of the small pressures of adulthood. The stress of finding a job to get money. Having a place to live. Food to eat. Place to rest my head. I'm very thankful that God has given me people who are willing to help with something at a moments notice. But with that, I've also been feeling some of the pressures that come with faith. Doubt, direction, God's plan for me, as well as what my own thoughts are about God. I've also noticed that a lot of people do not feel God at all in their lives. That is what my song "Only God" will be focusing on. To let people know exactly what the hook says: "Who can see whats on your mind? Making you defined? Only God, and who can see whats on your heart? Whats tearing you apart? Only God." I will be taking my own feelings, mixed with what seems to be general feelings about where God is in our lives.

#3) Relationships. I'm single. I kinda hate it to be honest, and I've been contemplating if I feel I'm even near ready to even try a relationship right now. Part of me feels ready, and part of me don't. I don't know. But I do know that deep down in my heart I don't want to die without having that very "Special Someone" in my life. I've got a song that I'm in the process of writing to that (I'm hoping) will have two very great spiritual and lyrical brothers on it (Matt Mic and PoRich Tha Kid) and let them have their view with where they are at with being in a relationship to marriage and children.

#4) Family. Biological. Spiritual. Friends. You name it. What a family is and who makes it up. I know people, believers and non-believers alike, who I call family because of what they have done for me and what I have done for them. I have biological family that I do view as family. And I have some biological family members that I don't see as family.

#5) Being the Body of Christ in the World. I learned over the last school year through KSU's Cats For Christ of just how important this is. I want to talk about how we as Christians have and have not been being Christ-like. And yes, I will call groups and individuals out. Myself included. So be ready for that one.

#6) Foster Care. I lived a majority of my life in it. But this one won't be about me. I will be using other peoples stories. The struggles with it. The emotions. The reality of it. But also where the individuals see themselves going. Special S/O to my man Anthony Lewis with whom I am buying the beat for the song from. Go check that brother out at Dude's beats are sick as well as his flow.

Final one that I'll give out for now #7) Chasing God's heart and will. I'm slowly learning where God wants me to be. I know I still got a ways to go. I'm in the production process for that track right now, but that's defiantly something I want to talk about.

I'll let you guys know more when I have it figured out.

Richie Tha Rapper.

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